Bob Kuehn
For his 25th college reunion, Bob Kuehn described himself as a “developer of affordable housing and renovator of historic buildings” noting he had “written a number of books, papers, and computer programs on affordable housing and historic preservation, well-received among colleagues, but probably insufficient for immortality.” Known for his creativity, tolerance for complexity, and sense of humor, Bob Kuehn produced more than 2000 residential units, many of which were pioneering efforts in adaptive re-use of schools, mills, warehouses and in one case, a parking garage. Bob Kuehn additionally valued civic involvement and engagement serving in board roles at CHAPA, Preservation Massachusetts, the Community Preservation Coalition, and the Harvard Square Design Committee. Known as the “grandfather of CPA,” he was instrumental in the effort which brought the Community Preservation Act to Massachusetts, enabling over 170 communities (and counting) to adopt a local assessment structure for funding affordable housing, historic preservation, and open space projects.
A frequent advisor for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston’s Affordable Housing Competition, which KCF continues to sponsor, Bob Kuehn held ongoing enthusiasm for building the bench of talent in housing development. KCF carries on his dedication with the Kuehn Fellowship.